Case Study New Forbes PWA Doubles Engagement

Sara Lee

2 minutes
Forbes readers are spending more productive time on the PWA

Aug 18, 2022 (FORT WORTH, Texas) — The Forbes site was clunky. They decided to develop the Forbes PWA, and they doubled their reader engagement in the process.

The Forbes site was clunky. Load times were too long. Readers lost interest while they waited and Forbes was losing money. They had to make a change, so they decided to reinvent their digital approach to include a Progressive Web App (PWA).

At first, Forbes intended the new app to be their secondary mobile experience. But they were overwhelmed by positive experiences. Now they've jumped headfirst into the PWA approach, and you should too.

Staggering improvements

The Forbes PWA saw a 2x increase in average user session length, a 6x completion rate, and 20% more impressions compared to the native app. More people saw the content and Forbes could ultimately reach more readers.

Load times for the app dropped from 12 seconds to 0.8 seconds, Read more here about the advantages Forbes found with their new PWA.

New primary site

The PWA revolutionized the mobile experience for Forbes users. This resulted in a 43% increase in sessions per user, and an increase in ad viewability up to 20%.

The Forbes PWA is now their primary mobile site. With 100% more engagement than before. Google I/O has also experienced an increase in engagement, with 900% more home screen saves with their new PWA.

Personalized experience

Not only is the Progressive Web App a better digital experience, it is also more personal. Readers can self-select what content they want to be shown on the app. Forbes can send push notifications to their users based on their preferences and let them know the minute there is new information to share.

It is easy for readers to add the app to their home screen. They do not have to make any large commitments in terms of data usage or storage space like they would when downloading a native app.

Learn more

The PWA has been an astonishing success overall for Forbes and its readers. Learn more by watching the video below.

If you are interested in how a PWA could benefit your business, get in touch!