Best Practice Boost Your Brand with Social Media SEO

Donna Dreyer

3 minutes
Boost your brand on social media

Aug 18, 2022 (PHOENIX, Ariz.) — Use social media to boost your brand. The secret sauce is SEO.

Social media is a powerful marketing tool, and the key to its power is SEO. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is necessary to ensure that you are giving your page the best chance to be found. Good SEO will help people to find your content naturally.

When potential followers or customers type your keywords into the search bar, you want them to find you! This is why considering the SEO on your page is so critical.

SEO advantages

Many companies concentrate on SEO on their website. As they should! But the first port of call for many customers today is social media. A company that is active on social media, and is easy to find, will reap the benefits of this modern powerhouse.

Social Media SEO will increase your chances of reaching a younger audience. But that is not all. Many target audiences are already on social media. They have often already organized themselves into groups.

Connect with clients

Social media is also a chance for you and your brand to get personal with your customers. It is a chance to invite them behind the scenes, to take a peek behind the curtain. They will walk away feeling part of the team. Like they have some insider information. That is great for your brand!

SEO and social media quick tips

Not every platform is created equal. Each has its quirks, strengths, and weaknesses. But they have many similarities too. And there are rules. Rules we can apply to every platform.

Here are two quick tips to get you started:

Character limits

Big or small, there are always limits to posts. Twitter puts its foot down at 280 characters, so only the most important characters make it in. Facebook extends your allowance to 63,206. That gives you more room to work with, but it is always best to be concise.


Most platforms have a hashtag system. This can be an incredibly valuable tool. It is often frowned upon to use too many hashtags, but a few could boost your post. Try to use hashtags that others are using, that way you may get more eyes on your post. Hashtags work differently on each platform, so it is best to conduct a bit of research about hashtags on the platforms you are using.

What next

So now that you know you need to implement SEO on social media, what is next? Read about the 10 Pillars of Social Media SEO.

Learn more

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