Case Study Dazzling New Lancome PWA Saves Mobile Business

Abandonned cart recovery is up with Lancôme PWA

Aug 18, 2022 (DOUGLAS, Isle of Man) — The new Lancome PWA has prompted more people to shop on mobile. Conversions are up, and the PWA is worth its weight in gold - or perfume.

Lancôme's new Progressive Web App (PWA) has revolutionized their business. After implementing the PWA, Lancôme experienced an incredible 17% increase in conversions.

The problem

Here is the backstory. Lancôme had identified an issue. Their mobile users were not spending money. Something was wrong. Numbers were not the problem, there were more mobile users than desktop users. But only 38% of shopping carts on desktop led to conversions, and only 15% of carts on mobile converted.

Lancôme concluded that mobile users were experiencing obstacles trying to purchase on mobile. And they were missing out on orders.

The users were there. But it was too difficult for them to buy products.

The mobile web

The mobile web was becoming a bigger part of the modern online experience. Lancôme needed to prioritize their customers' experience. They decided to build a PWA, and have since reaped the benefits.

Mobile sessions on iOS have increased by 53%. People are spending more time on the mobile web. And they spend more money while they are there.

The massive increase in conversions is a testament to the benefits of a Progressive Web App. Users are happier and more likely to purchase products on mobile now.

Notifications recover abandoned carts

Push notification functionality means that Lancôme can easily notify users of carts they have left unattended. Sending through these notifications has resulted in an 8% increase in conversion rates on recovered carts.

Overall, customers are having a better mobile experience. There is an 84% decrease in time before the page is interactive, so shoppers get shopping quicker.

Lancôme's PWA has the business thriving. More people are shopping easily, quickly, and effectively. Advantages are clear and Lancôme is clearly benefitting.

Not only is Lancôme happy, but their customer base is happy too. A good online shopping experience brings people back to the platform again and again.

Learn more

To read more about Lancôme's new PWA, click here. To read about other companies who are making the same move, like Wego, click here.

If you are interested in how a PWA could benefit your business, get in touch!