Technology Document Automation is the Legal Industry Standard

Thomas Dreyer

4 minutes
Law firms are using document automation

Aug 18, 2022 (SAN DIEGO) — The legal industry is using document automation to refine processes and solve common issues.

Today, more than half of law firms are using document automation to optimize their workflow. Those who are already on board with document automation know the benefits that this approach reaps. They know how important it is to mitigate as many challenges as possible.

Industry-wide there are definite movements toward future-proofing. Future savvy firms know that action now will mean success later, and those who do not choose to upgrade will struggle when they have to. Document automation is one area where modern law firms are gaining time, productivity, and efficiency.

Learn more about document automation.

Face-to-face with the issues

Law firms face two different kinds of challenges; relating to people and documents. Talent retention, engagement, and time management are people issues. Consistency, speed, transparency, and accuracy are document issues.

Document automation has been reported to have helped in these areas. 59% of firms are currently using legal tech for document management, research, and signatures. 63% of departments are prioritizing operations and workflow with tech this year. This focus on legal technology will improve processes, and talent will thank their firms for it.

Solving problems

The three main people groups within firms have benefited from the introduction of document automation. Whatever your major issues are, document automation will serve to help. Technology in the legal landscape today has advanced to meet our needs for speed and business continuity, which means that your firm can implement these processes without loss of income generation. Tackle your problems in three main areas:

People problems

58% of people say that process improvement is most valuable to their work.

Highly qualified people should not be completing monotonous tasks. Automate repetitive actions, and your talent can do more valuable and enjoyable work. With higher engagement and satisfaction.

Increased growth, profit, and overall success are not achieved with more technology but rather, with better technology.

Department problems

50% of departments rate efficient work as the most important.

Traditional methods of legal requests, onboarding, and drafting are riddled with complex inefficiencies. Investing in document automation can streamline routine tasks to help these flow seamlessly through stages.

Stakeholder problems

34% of stakeholders feel pressure to reduce costs. 33% of stakeholders feel pressure to demonstrate value.

Document automation saves costs by maximizing valuable use of lawyer and external counsel time. The department can then offer a higher value proposition to the company as a whole.

Key benefits

Eliminate knowledge drain

Document automation preserves processes, even when key personnel move on. The technology relies on conditional logic, loops, and templates, instead of people. If your firm disconnects processes from the people involved, it allows for more freedom, flexibility, and continuity.

Support the cloud

Document automation supports the best practices for web design in terms of layout, responsiveness, and real-time previews. It can easily be updated to support changing goalposts and guidelines, without effort on your part.


Meet people where they are for increased engagement and customer satisfaction. Clients can complete questionnaires on their own time, and own their own devices. Lawyers can access and work with this data from anywhere and on any device.

Reduce errors

Document automation is consistent and accurate. It follows the guidelines that you give it exactly, which cannot always be said of even the most skillful lawyer. It escapes human error which costs money and reputation for your firm.

Increase productivity

Removing repetitive tasks allows professionals to concentrate on more valuable work. Let the technology take over the tasks which drain your time and do not necessitate your skill. This frees you up to do the work you are trained for.

Empower departments

Locked questionnaires allow all departments to record data and create legally compliant documents. This means that anyone can administer questionnaires without adverse effects, and other departments can handle the collection of data and drafting of documents.

The Doccly Approach

The Doccly approach is a non-traditional one. We see document automation as one part of the bigger picture of office automation. Our technical and business experience allows us to implement full solutions. Not only document automation.

Our clients often have very complex requirements. We help them when they are just starting in document automation, or when they have a project they need to be rescued. We have decades of experience in document automation solutions development and implementation.

How to start

Although it is daunting to reimagine the way you do business, you will not regret the move. Businesses that embrace the right mix of systems, tools, and technologies now will have a competitive advantage over businesses that refuse to embrace the future.

3 easy steps

  1. Choose a technology partner with a vision, that is us.

  2. Partner with us to seamlessly implement your solution.

  3. Consult with our specialists to develop a plan for you.

Get in touch with us today to start the process!